Woodstock Community Church is looking to hire a FULL TIME Children’s and Youth Ministry Director
The Job Description is listed below.
We would encourage applicants to prayerfully consider applying for this position. At this time, we are now accepting resumes. An executive team will review the candidates and contact them to being the interviewing process. For those applying please know that your resume and interest in this position will remain confidential to both insure the protection of the candidate and the executive team. If you have any questions, you can leave them below and they will go to the executive team directly.
Woodstock Community Church Biography
Woodstock Community Church was established in 1944 as the American Reformed Church of Woodstock. In 2021 the congregation voted to change the name to Woodstock Community Church as we are the only church left in town. We take very seriously the call to minister to the entire community. There are many in the area who are unchurched, and our deep desire is to win those souls to Christ. The church also partners with New Life Treatment Center which is a 30-day inpatient drug and alcohol rehabilitation facility located across the street from the church. We love ministering the love of Christ to the clients there as well as supporting and encouraging their staff.
Woodstock is a community small in size, but on the rise. There is a great deal of life in Woodstock with many community and church sponsored activities throughout the year such as the Saint Patrick’s Day City Celebration, annual carnivals, outdoor movie night, volleyball leagues, softball leagues, community harvest meal and more. Many people will travel from other communities to take in the great community life here.
The congregation of Woodstock Community Church is a great mix of multi-generations. In the past several years the church has seen significant growth in all ages but especially in the 20-35 demographic. This has added many children and youth to the congregation which has brought more life and activity. Our average service size ranges anywhere from 200-250 per Sunday. We are a church that desires to be led by the Holy Spirit and grounded in the Scriptures. We desire for Spirit to do whatever He wants to do in our lives and in our worship. Our services are continually changing in their flow and order to adapt to the Spirit’s leading. Our worship style is Spirit led and family oriented with great energy and enthusiasm. Our music style is contemporary with a fun mix of hymns. This church knows how to truly love one another well and welcomes guests with open arms making newcomers feel at home right away.
Our ministry programs include but are not limited to: A vibrant Sunday School that is for all ages. Sunday School runs from September - May. Kid JAM is our Wednesday night outreach for ages Pre-K through 5th grade. Also meeting on Wednesday nights is our Junior High Youth Group, a Women’s Bible Study and a Prayer Warriors group. Sunday evenings our Senior High Youth group meets. Life Groups - which are groups of all ages from the church meet on Sunday evenings in various homes during designated times throughout the year to engage in fellowship, food and faith. Men’s Bible Studies meet throughout the year at various times. During the summer we host kids programs to reach kids in our church and community. This summer we are going to do a Family Connect night each Sunday night in July which will include a pool night, rodeo, Christmas in July and a kickball/kite night.
Outreaches: We try to view all of life as an outreach. Each year we sponsor a mission trip somewhere in the states. We host two large carnivals a year which draw in families from all over. We have a bus ministry that runs for most kid and youth events. We serve the homeless at the Banquet and regularly provide worship services for the homeless at the Union Gospel Mission in Sioux Falls. Last year we refurbished a home for a widow in our community. City Wide Clean up helps clean lawns, streets, parks and more. We host services at our local nursing homes and assisted living facilities etc.
There are many areas for growth at Woodstock Community. With a young growing congregation, we desire to better disciple and equip our church family in the faith. We desire to grow closer to Christ and to one another. We are continually looking for new and refreshing ways to reach our community. Some of our challenges as a church right now are: space issues, the possibility to moving to two services on Sunday mornings, providing more Life Groups and Bibles Studies, doing additional networking and building of our volunteer base.
We hope that as you read through our brief biography and look through the job description - that you will prayerfully consider applying for this position.
Job Description
This individual will work with an energetic and dynamic staff. Needs to be a team player, willing to work alongside and take direction from the senior pastor and elder team. This individual needs to exemplify a shepherding heart and a desire to build the Kingdom of God. This job includes a need for great flexibility as ministry needs change quickly and can vary due to the needs of the congregation and staff.
Provide oversight and support for the following ministries: (College, Sr. High Youth, Jr. High Youth, Kid JAM, Sunday School, Nursery and Special Children’s and Youth Events):
Has a strong ability to communicate and connect with students and adults of all ages.
Has an ability to teach and communicate the scriptures effectively and engagingly in both large and small group contexts and can help disciple and grow that teaching gift in others.
Has a solid understanding of biblical principles such as sin, repentance, faith, grace, and salvation.
Build relationships and networks with community contacts (other youth leaders, service partners, schools, social services, etc.)
Providing discipleship and training for volunteers and coordinators empowering them to accomplish their specific ministry tasks.
Providing content (curriculum) for various children’s and youth ministries.
Meeting regularly with coordinators to provide support and resource.
Work with the Christian Education Team to build and support their various roles.
Recruiting and building effective ministry teams in the areas of children’s and youth ministries.
Develop activities for students such as mission trips, retreats, service projects, recreational and outreach events.
Work and communicate with team coordinators and parents.
Work with Christian Education Team in forming a budget and overseeing appropriate uses of funds.
Looks for and implements connections between student ministry and other areas of the church, intentionally fostering intergenerational relationships and overall church unity.
Has the ability and strong understanding of social media and its many mediums and can use these tools to better connect with students and their families.
Additional Shepherding Roles:
Aiding in needed crisis care
Visitation as needed
Regularly attend staff meetings and staff vision sessions
Attend regular consistory meetings
Aid in the building, implementing, and training of Life Groups
Additional Staff Health and Evaluation:
Attend 1 hour of personal counseling monthly- paid for by the church
Meet with Executive Committee twice a year for personal care and needs
Annual ministry evaluation under the direction of the elder/executive team
Qualification and Skills
Has a strong relationship with Jesus Christ, ever growing in that relationship and who can model it to others
Is faithful in personal Bible reading and study, prayer and worship with the body of Christ
Has a humble heart and teachable spirit
Be growing in elder-like character, knowledge, and skill (1 Timothy 3)
Has a firm understanding and identity in the Gospel of Jesus Christ
Be proficient in leadership recruitment and development, capable of casting and imparting a vision for ministry; be a self-motivated leader
Have an enthusiastic, personable, and approachable personality
Possess strong communication skills and relational skills with students, parents, and staff
Has a fulltime call to vocational ministry
Degree in Christian ministry or equivalent experience working with youth and children’s ministries (5+ years preferred)
Compensation and Requirements:
This is a fulltime position based on a 40–50-hour work week. Salary and benefits are competitive for this area.
Compensation is competitive for this area and will be discussed upon request of a candidate and/or as a part of the candidate’s interview. Benefits are included.
To Submit a Resume
please e-mail an attached copy to woodstockchurch@hotmail.com or mail it to P.O. Box 68, Woodstock, MN 56186